Hand outs from Life Sense Counselling. Resources for mindfulness, CBT, couples, identity, mental health, wellbeing, psychological concepts and more.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Couples Resources
Mental Health & Wellbeing
PGX genomic blood test – this is a test/s you can request from your GP that maps your personal genetic elements with specific prescribed medication for pain management and commonly prescribed medications for mental health conditions. People often have different rates of success with prescribed meds and some just are not effective and we now have the science to assess why.
Many GPs are not aware of this test so this is the brochure you can show them to request the test. Please call QML for cost because it is not covered by medicare and it does not test all medications that your GP may prescribe so before you spend the money call first.
Psychological Concepts/Models for Understanding
Stages of Change – I use the Prochaska, DiClemente, & Norcross (1992) Stages Of Change Model in my own understanding of where I think a client may be in relation to implementing change and also directly with clients so that they can identify what stage they think they might be at.
The model is an integrative, biopsychosocial model to view the process of intentional behaviour change and can be used across a range of areas requiring change, including addictions, staying in difficult relationships, changing jobs/careers etc
Stages of change Prochaska & DiClemente
The Wheels – The Duluth Wheels of Power and Control is a tool I use for clients to identify if there is coercion and/or elements of the varying forms of domestic violence in their relationships and the Non-violence Equity Wheel is a model of a healthy relationship.
It should be noted that the wheels use ‘her’ but that does not mean that men or people from the LBGQTI+ community are not subject to the same power, control and coercion in their relationships. I also use the YWCA Power and Control Wheel where there is diversity.
Fowler’s Stages of Faith – James. F . Fowler is a psychologist and a theologian and developed this six-stage model of faith development over a lifespan.
Fowler earned his PhD at Harvard University in Religion and Society in 1971, with a focus on ethics and sociology of religion. He pursued postdoctoral studies at the Center for Moral Development at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (1971–1972). I use this model to encourage people of faith to examine the elements of their personal faith.
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