Recommended Resources

Life Sense Counselling recommended resources including curated books, counselling resources, websites and videos.

Life Advice/Self Help

Life Advice/Self Help Books

12 Rules for Life- An Antidote to Chaos

 12 Rules for Life By Jordan Peterson

12 More Rules for Life

Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life

By Jordan Peterson

The road less travelled

The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck

reinventnting your life

Reinventing Your Life: The breakthrough program to end negative behaviour and feel great again

By Jeffrey E. Young and Janet S. Klosko

Being A Bloke

Being A Bloke

By Peter Janetzki & Michael Knight

The Happiness Trap 2nd Edition

The Happiness Trap By Russ Harris

Boundaries: When To Say Yes, How To Say No To Take Control Of Your Life  

Boundaries: When To Say Yes, How To Say No To Take Control Of Your Life

By Henry Cloud and John Townsend

Becoming the Narcissist's Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself  

Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare:

By Shahida Arabi

The Smart Girl's Guide to Self-Care  

The Smart Girl’s Guide to Self Care

By Shahida Arabi (in the context of toxic relationships as opposed to general self-care)

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents 

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

by Lindsay C Gibson


Curated Websites

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C Gibson

Tree of Life - Expressive Therapy Exercise
20 Diversion Tactics Highly Manipulative Narcissists, Sociopaths and Psychopaths Use to Silence You
5 Powerful Ways Abusive Narcissists Get Inside Your Head
10 signs of COVERT Narcissism
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C Gibson
Self Awareness

Enneagram Personality Type Test


Links to Enneagram Personality Type Test

This is the official Enneagram site and you can pay $12 for a test.

What Is Enneagram

How the Enneagram System Works

Alternatively, here is a quick free personality test.

Take your results and use the enneagram institute to read fuller explanations.  If your scores are very similar, read the types and decide which is the best fit.

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Attachment Style


Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space (Ainsworth, 1973; Bowlby, 1969).  Attachment theory explains how the parent-child relationship emerges and influences subsequent development and can affect relationships later in life.

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Life Audit


Self Awareness This is a wonderful expressive therapy that involves mapping your life story as a tree of life exercise and diagram.  I often get clients to do this at home in their own time and then we process it together in session.  You don’t have to be an artist and how the end result appears is not important, it is the reflective process you go through.
Tree of life exercise

How to do a life audit:

This lady writes mainly for millennia women, but regardless of your generation, a life audit is a great action-oriented tool for self and life examination.
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Self Knowledge


Autism Spectrum

Most people are on some kind of spectrum.  There is growing awareness of the Autism Spectrum and many think of Rain Man (A movie about a man with autism starring Dustin Hoffman & Tom Cruise) but in fact, it is called a spectrum for a reason and many people exhibit varying abilities and areas they struggle with across functional tasks, intellect and vocational ability and social behaviors.
There is a lot of discussion about the under-diagnosis of autism/asperges and many people may wonder “do I have Autism or “do I have Aspergers”. Whilst there are pros and cons of a formal diagnosis, the below well-researched self-report Autism Quotient test/scale can be insightful.
Simon Barron-Cohen and his colleagues at the Cambridge Autism Research Centre developed this tool as part of the widely cited study entitled The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ): Evidence from Asperger syndrome/high-functioning autism, males and females, scientists and mathematicians.
Please note this does not constitute a diagnosis, but is for self-awareness only and perhaps a catalyst for thinking about what you might like to do next: nothing and for your knowledge only (“that’s interesting”); to share with loved ones so they understand you better; to come into therapy to process what this means for you;  or to seek a formal diagnosis to confirm the test result.

Depression, Anxiety and Stress (DAS) Test

Here is a Depression, Anxiety and Stress Test (DAS) that is often administered by psychiatric professionals and I sometimes use to gain a benchmark for the wellbeing of a client. Please Note: I do not advise taking this test outside of a therapeutic relationship with a counsellor or psychologist/psychiatrist.
Take the test online and print out your results to bring to therapy to discuss.  You can do this at different time intervals to monitor how you are feeling.


Here are some other websites and resources that you may find useful to find out more about living with Autism:  
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Rejection Sensitivity

This is a great article on rejection sensitivity with some interventions and exercises you can try yourself or bring to therapy to discuss.

Trauma Recovery

Trauma Recovery Books

Traumatic Narcissism and Recovery- Leaving the Prison of Shame and Fear

Traumatic Narcissism and Recovery: Leaving the Prison of Shame and Fear

By Daniel Shaw

Waking The Tiger- The Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences 

Waking the Tiger: The innate capacity to transform overwhelming experiences

By Peter A Levine 

When the Body Says No- The cost of hidden stress 

When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress 

By Gabor Mate

8 key to safe trauma recovery book cover 

8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery: Take-Charge Strategies to Empower Your Healing

by Babette Rothschild

The body keeps score 

The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma

by Bessel van der Kolk

Trauma Releasing Exercises 

Trauma Releasing Exercises

by David Berceli

Curated Websites

What is Polyvagal Theory? by Sukie Baxter

Calming stress, anxiety and trauma through trauma and stress releasing exercises



Relationship Books

Passionate marriage book 

Secrets of a Passionate Marriage

by David Schnarch

counselling about relationships 

Intimacy & Desire: Awaken the Passion in Your Relationship

by David Schnarch

5 love languages 

The 5 Love Languages 


Mating in Captivity Book

Mating in Captivity By Esther Perel

relationship counselling 

Brain Talk: How Mind Mapping Brain Science Can Change Your Life and Everyone in It

by David Schnarch

Captivating- Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul

Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul

by Stasi Eldredge

Wild at Heart- Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul

Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul

by John Eldredge

Great Sex Rescue: The Lies You've Been Taught and How to Recover What God Intended

The Great Sex Rescue: (damaging Christian Beliefs)

by Sheila Wray Gregoire

The New Monogamy by Tammy Nelson

The New Monogamy: Redefining Your Relationship After Infidelity

by Tammy Nelson

Curated Websites

Erotic Intelligence
What turns you on
Female Sexuality
The secret to desire in long term relationships
Rethinking Infidelity
This is how you stop your partner from cheating | Esther Perel | SVT/NRK/Skavlan
Once Trust is broken: Can you Heal from Infidelity?
Is Bickering killing your relationship
Sermon from Peter Janetzki on Chrisitan interpretation of Marriage & Divorce “When is a marriage no longer a marriage
Great explanation of triggering in an argument and basic neuroscience around relationships (10 min)
This is an entertaining presentation of the communication technique I call ‘book ending’ using a short written exercise, to encourage hearing without triggering

Spirituality Books

Falling Upward- A spirituality for the second half of life

Falling Upward: A spirituality for the second half of life

By Richard Rohr

Immortal diamond

Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our True Self

by Richard Rohr

Universal Christ

The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe

by Richard Rohr

STAY - The Power of Meditating in God's Presence

STAY: The Power of Meditating in God’s Presence

by Sophia Barrett

Curated Websites

How to Make Your Thoughts Work In Your Favor - Bill Johnson Sermon | Bethel Church
When is a marriage no longer a marriage - Sermon from Peter Janetzki on Chrisitan interpretation of Marriage & Divorce
Health & Wellbeing

Health & Wellbeing Books

Period Repair Manual- Natural Treatment for Better Hormones and Better Periods

The period Repair Manual 

By Lara Briden

Hormone Repair Manual- Every woman's guide to healthy hormones after 40

Hormone Repair Manual: Every Woman’s Guide to Healthy Hormones After 40

By Lara Briden

Finally Focused- The Breakthrough Natural Treatment Plan For Adhd

Finally Focused

By James Greenblatt

Curated Websites

Huberman Lab Resources

Huberman Lab Sleep Protocol
Huberman Lab on What Alcohol Does to the Brain (YouTube Video)
Huberman Lab on What Alcohol Does to the Brain (Spotify Playlist)
Huberman Lab How Marijuana Affects the Brain & Body (Short Version)
Huberman Lab The Effects of Cannabis on the Brain and the Body (Extended episode)
Huberman Lab The Effects of Cannabis on the Brain and the Body (Extended episode) Spotify Playlist

Methylation and Genetic Conditions Affecting Mood

Genetic Mutation That Can Affect Mental & Physical Health

Methylation and Mental Health:

Undermethylation vs. Overmethylation: Causes, Symptoms, TreatmentsHow do you know if you have a methylation problem?How Pyrroles Affect Physical and Mental Health


Benefits, Dosage, and Side Effects of PhosphatidylserinePhosphatidylserine: Benefits for ChildrenThe Effect of Phosphatidylserine Administration on Memory And Symptoms of ADHDPhosphatidylserine: for good memory and weight loss


Methylation and Autism – Is There a Connection?Dietary and antioxidant therapy for autistic children: Does it really work?

Mood Foods/Psycho-nutrition/Eating Plans

Comprehensive Fasting Guide (assists with mood, insulin resistance, weight management, disease prevention)
Jon Barron (Nutritionist, Researcher, Supplement Formulator, Nutritional Activist) -
Jon Barron
Dr Axe  (Functional/Integrative info on Nutrition, Mood Food, supplements)
The Mood & Food Centre (innovative research projects and trails focusing on the gut-brain-axis)
Mindd Foundation (assessing which diet plan is right for you)
My Gene Food (range of diets explained with genetic focus)

Hormones & Menopause

These are great interviews by Steven Bartlett on his Youtube channel  ‘The Diary of a CEO’ with two leading voices on the physiological and psychological effects of menopause
The No.1 Menopause Doctor: They’re Lying To You About Menopause! Mary Claire Haver
The Menopause Doctor: This Diet Delays Menopause! Menopause Is Shrinking Your Brain! Dr Lisa Mosconi  

Pornography Info


He's a Porn Addict...Now What?

He's a Porn Addict...Now What?By: Tony Overbay


Curated Websites

Fight the New Drug

Fortify Porn Management Program

Covenant Eyes (Christian Porn Addiction Program)

Your Brain on Porn (WARNING: graphic content)– Gabe Deem’s blog & links to presentations (Ex porn addict, personal trainer and activist for better sex education)

Faith-based online pornography addiction program




Raising Boys in the 21st Century

Raising Boys - By Steve Biddulph

Raising Girls in the 21st Century

Raising Girls – By Steve Biddulph

Hey Warrior- A book for kids about anxiety

Hey Warrior: A book for kids about anxiety By Karen Young

Curated Websites


Curated Websites

Addiction and Depression
Substance use and abuse self-help guide for reduction or abstinence (WHO)
Victorian Responsible Gambling Self-Help Guide
Huberman Lab Sleep Protocol
Huberman Lab on What Alcohol Does to the Brain (YouTube Video)
Huberman Lab on What Alcohol Does to the Brain (Spotify Playlist)
Huberman Lab How Marijuana Affects the Brain & Body (Short Version)
Huberman Lab The Effects of Cannabis on the Brain and the Body (Extended episode)
Huberman Lab The Effects of Cannabis on the Brain and the Body (Extended episode) Spotify Playlist
Crestview Recovery Blog - Good blog with various articles on different types of addictions and mental health info related to addictions

Related Resources:

Hand Outs

Self Awareness

Mental Health Management

Health and Wellbeing

Disclaimer: Life Sense Counselling does not endorse any specific individual or organisation listed and makes no representations, warranties, nor guarantees and assumes no responsibility for any services provided. Life Sense Counselling expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind as a result of using any products or services provided by those listed. Life Sense Counselling does not receive any financial benefit from any individual or organisation listed.

Illustration of a woman transitioning from sadness to joy, symbolising overcoming menopause-related mood swings.

Menopause and Mental Health (for Men to read too!)

Menopause is inevitable, but suffering is not. Often Women believe they are having mental health and identity concerns, and …

How to Write Letters to Resolve Conflict in Relationships

How to Write Letters to Resolve Conflict in Relationships

Reciprocal Letter Writing to Learn Calm Corrective Conversation Often we get stuck in triggered and heightened communication …

What Kind Of Relationship Am I In - Healthy Relationships

What Kind Of Relationship Am I In – Is It Healthy?

If you think about your relationship as a medical metaphor, which one best fits? Sometimes when my clients are stuck and …